With all our research and guesses....if we never find the truth or answer..or get our work graded by the inventer of the puzzle..can insanity result?
Or can guesses replace answers and facts?
jesus may not be archangel michael (as the wts teaches), but it is still conceivable that he may be an archangel.
the arguments often heard on jwd are very adamant that the role of archangelship is sooooo below his lofty reach.
but is there valid scriptural proof that it is so?
With all our research and guesses....if we never find the truth or answer..or get our work graded by the inventer of the puzzle..can insanity result?
Or can guesses replace answers and facts?
i wholeheartedly agree with this statement made in another web site:.
"by far the majority of jehovah's witnesses are good and honest people and, from the outside, it would be easy to understand the appeal of their way of life.
they support each other and share common goals and values.
can they justify shunning for asking questions?
i hear and see this alot.....debates consisting of two sides picking and hurling scriptures at one another to back up their assertions and guesses...it usually goes nowhere but wastes time and energy that could be more productivily used.. problem being is...in the case of the dubs...they believe that they and their leaders/teachers alone are being granted divine understanding...and you are trying to convince them they do not understand the book they wrote, and what they were trying to say in it basically.
they are allowed to pick and choose what is to be taken literal and figurelative without opposition...and should you point this out..you are in effect calling their leaders and trusted teachers liars.
you would have better luck convincing hitler what exactly he meant and really wanted from his book mien krap...could you convince him he really didn't have a clue and you knew it better than him?
How does one become an apostate by asking questions?
Or do you have to present your guesses as facts or truth that are contrary to theirs to qualify?
What response would they have if you ask questions they cannot answer? Label you an apostate to keep from having to answer the question or admit ignorance?
i hear all the time how leaders justify why people should buy into and follow their guesses...and the whole defense is if you don't you have no faith.. what protects a "faithful" person from becoming prey to a self-exalted leader and their guesses?
or are the faithful meant to be prey or something?.
Read it on your own and pray for understanding?
That is a good idea..except..how will you ever know if you are really truly understanding it? Who is grading your work?
Everyone who agrees with my guesses will say I am right..and everyone who doesn't will say I am wrong.......
i wholeheartedly agree with this statement made in another web site:.
"by far the majority of jehovah's witnesses are good and honest people and, from the outside, it would be easy to understand the appeal of their way of life.
they support each other and share common goals and values.
That is pretty much it.....THEY alone have the gift of understanding...if you want it as well and it happens to stray from their view....you are a rebel that threatens open mindness as an example..and you introduce another view to be considered by people who are used to only hearing and obeying one view.
You have a book with a blueprint for how things should be run..and what we should be doing...problem is..the author is absent to fully explain it and insure that people do not stray away from the main message, or twist it to support their own desires and adgendas.
They can justify intellectual slavery by using this book to support themselves against anyone who has questions they cannot answer or do not wish to pursue...and if you persist...the punishment disfellowshipping is justified by their twisted definitions of the words.
At least that is what I have come up with so far.
this is from the jehovah's witnesses official web site.
http://www.watchtower.org/e/lmn/article_11.htm .
"some, at least, of the generation that saw the "beginning of pangs of distress" in 1914 will live to see paradise restored on earth.
How can they "teach"?
How about guess? Can you teach a guess?
my ex-boyfriend who i am trying not to see anymore was disfellowshipped last monday, but he sent in a letter of appeal because he felt two the the three elders who made the decision were biased against him because they knew his ex-wife and were automatically sympathetic to the woman's side.
he's disfellowshipped for having relations with me, even after he was divorced (before that, his divorce was unscriptural.
) how soon does the appeal take place?
If they are a bunch of easy misled people following a bunch of false fake prophets..then them throwing you out for your infraction...would be helping you..and possibly saving your life.
Is the guy driving 100mph toward a brick wall, tossing you out of his car, helping you, or hurting you?
the only way you would know for certain is if you could see into the future.
i hear and see this alot.....debates consisting of two sides picking and hurling scriptures at one another to back up their assertions and guesses...it usually goes nowhere but wastes time and energy that could be more productivily used.. problem being is...in the case of the dubs...they believe that they and their leaders/teachers alone are being granted divine understanding...and you are trying to convince them they do not understand the book they wrote, and what they were trying to say in it basically.
they are allowed to pick and choose what is to be taken literal and figurelative without opposition...and should you point this out..you are in effect calling their leaders and trusted teachers liars.
you would have better luck convincing hitler what exactly he meant and really wanted from his book mien krap...could you convince him he really didn't have a clue and you knew it better than him?
Another thing is all these years of debate and arguing over who's guess is actually correct...has gotten us no closer to any concrete answers. Just a big unproductive circle...with all parties holding one another back.
Reminds me of a captured alien space ship complete with a instruction book...and everyone too busy arguing over who really understands the instuctions and should be appointed to drive it...to actually admit ignorance and come together, work together till understanding is achieved.
Then worry about who should drive...perhaps then everyone could drive!
But maybe that is the whole problem....everyone wants to be superior to everyone else instead of pursuing equality instead.
i hear all the time how leaders justify why people should buy into and follow their guesses...and the whole defense is if you don't you have no faith.. what protects a "faithful" person from becoming prey to a self-exalted leader and their guesses?
or are the faithful meant to be prey or something?.
I really wish I had a source of information I could trust and not have to question...
I wish we all did........I cannot think of a way that could be bad or "wrong".
But I would say trust in the wrong source leads to becoming gullible and prey to that source.
... would you wake up each morning wondering, "is today the day i die in a suicide bombing, or will it be tomorrow?
" i ask, as it seems a suicide bombing is becoming as common as breathing over there and i am convinced, it will not end until they all die and the last man standing will blow himself up, as that is just the thing you do.
although, if we pull out, it will happen faster.
I had better be making alot of money!